Amirul Fahmi Abdul Razak, Muhammad Faizal Abd. Ghani, Norfariza Mohd Radzi, Albert Efendi Pohan


In today's society, educators have taken on increasingly vital and expansive role. This shift in perception has led to the recognition that pre-service teachers enrolled in teacher preparation programs possess the potential to assume leadership positions. While numerous researchers have explored, few have undertaken a systematic literature review (SLR) on this subject. This research aims to address this gap by compiling comprehensive review of recent studies on pre-service teacher leadership published in journals between 2020 and 2023. Through theoretical analysis, the study synthesis sought to identify emerging research trends and generate novel insights into pre-service teacher leadership. The PRISMA writing standard (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) was employed as framework for SLR composition. The review utilized two primary databases, Web of Science and Scopus, to source relevant articles and materials. From initial pool of 733 articles, 22 were ultimately selected for analysis. Content analysis revealed five primary themes: "Teacher Development and Conceptions," "Curriculum Leadership and Teacher Education," "Women in Education and Leadership," "Leadership Styles and Teacher Impact," and "Mentoring and Professional Development." The findings highlight the dynamic nature of teacher education, emphasizing the necessity for programs to equip pre-service teachers with the skills to meet the evolving demands of modern classrooms and contribute meaningfully to national and societal objectives. The study's implications can serve as guide for pre-service teachers in preparing for more comprehensive planning and implementation of leadership in the future educational landscape.

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