Sipnarong Kanchanawongpaisan, Tubagus Pamungkas


This study examined the critical role of symbolism in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as a tool for communicating complex statistical concepts and relationships. SEM employs a systematic framework of symbols, including latent variables (η), observed variables (y), factor loadings (λ), residuals (ζ), measurement errors (ε), and variance-covariance terms (Ψ and Θ), to represent theoretical constructs and their relationships. By analyzing these symbols, the study highlighted their importance in ensuring accurate model specification, enhancing interpretability, and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. The visual and mathematical language of SEM was shown to bridge the gap between abstract theoretical frameworks and empirical data, enabling researchers to test hypotheses, evaluate relationships, and generate meaningful findings with precision and clarity. The study also underscored the need for a deeper understanding of these symbols to support robust and reliable statistical modeling. Future research should focus on expanding this symbolic framework to accommodate advanced methodologies, such as multilevel modeling and longitudinal SEM, to address the growing complexity of analytical challenges. This study contributes to empowering researchers by enhancing their ability to effectively use SEM for innovation and communication in statistical analysis.

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