Tumpal Manurung, Zulkifli Zulkifli, Ruslan Ruslan, Syafrizal Syafrizal, Khoyan Khoyan, Fauziah Nasution


The implementation of the independent curriculum is applied to realize meaningful and effective learning in developing the copyrights, tastes, and senses of learners as lifelong learners with Pancasila character. The implementation of committee performance management in implementing the independent curriculum at Tunas Baru Jin Seung Junior High School in Batam involves the education unit committee and various stakeholders including parents, organizations, various centers, under the coordination and supervision of the Batam City Education Office which organizes government affairs in accordance with its authority. The management of the independent curriculum school committee is very important in realizing the independent curriculum. The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance management of the School Committee at Tunas Baru Jin Seung Junior High School in Batam. The research used a qualitative approach with an exploratory descriptive type. The research location is Tunas Baru Jin Seung Junior High School Batam. The subject of the research is the executive board of the school committee which involves 1 principal, 2 vice principals, 3 teachers, 1 staff and 5 students. Data collection techniques were observation, interview and documentation study. The results showed that the implementation management of the committee's performance in managing the independent curriculum runs effectively and meaningfully at Tunas Baru Junior High School Jin Seung Batam. The role of the school committee in the implementation of the curriculum in general is still very lacking, due to the limited time, funds and energy of the committee members and administrators. The results of this study are very important in improving the performance of school committees to achieve curriculum objectives in the Education Unit.
Key words: Management, school committee, Merdeka Curriculum.


independent curriculum, performance, management, school committee

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