OJS-Universitas Riau Kepulauan Batam

E-Journal of the University of Riau Islands is a media for scientific publications of the results of research, experiments, community service for lecturers, researchers, practitioners managed by the University of Riau Islands, Batam.

This E-Journal contains both University Journals and Study Program Journals in the Riau Islands Batam University environment


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KOPASTA: Journal of the Counseling Guidance Study Program

KOPASTA: Journal of the Counseling Guidance Study Program publishes articles on practice, theory, and research in all areas of Guidance and Counseling also education related to Guidance and Counseling. Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed by at least peer-reviewers using review method.  This Journal has ben featuring with Guidance and Counsleing Association Regional Kepulauan Riau.   This journal is published in June and November each year by the Guidance Counseling Department, Faculty of Teaching and Education, University of Riau Kepulauan, Batam, Indonesia.

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