An Analysis of Students’ Mastery of Comparison Degrees
Based on syllabus, junior high school students learned about degrees of comparison. The purpose of this study is to know how far the eighth grade students of SMP Clarissa Batam in mastering of degrees of comparison. the research type of this study is qualitative research, the population in this research was twenty two students. The research focused in SMP Clarissa Batam and was held on may until June 2017. The data was collected from students by giving test. Then, the writer analyzed the data to know how the students master in degrees of comparison. After that, the writer interviewed some students to know their difficulties in mastering degrees of comparison. the result showed that from 22 students of eighth grade students of SMP Clarissa Batam, only 6 (27.3%) students were able in mastering of degrees of comparison of adjective and there were 16 (72.7%) students are fail in it. it means most of eighth grade students of SMP Clarissa Batam did not master degrees of comparison well
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