Moods Pattern on Indonesian EFL University of Riau Kepulauan Students’ Classroom Interaction

Erwin Ashari, Shalehoddin Shalehoddin


This study investigated, formulated and reasoned exchange structure used on Indonesian EFL university students’ classroom interaction. Data transcriptions were taken from seven EFL classroom interaction videos between addressers and addressees, and field notes were taken to support primary data. Result shows that number of mood and residue reached 94.1 %and the rest was in elliptical moods . mood and residue domination was influenced by subject discussion and the formality of the situation matters. It was found that “move” of exchange structure was in small number (three moves), so did elliptical clause. Since natural conversation was dominated by elliptical moods , long “move” of exchange structure and elliptical clauses, thus, these could not be categorized as natural interaction. In line, Patterns of exchange structure coding contribute significantly toward EFL students’ comprehension during classroom interaction.


mood and residue, Elliptical Moods, Formality, Subject Matter,

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