Raihan Safitri, Nafa Nazwa Purba



     Speaking ability is a one-of-a-kind aspect of language development that is very important to be instilled from an early age. The purpose of this research is to examine ESP based on the students' perceptions of using role-play strategies to improve speaking skills. This article discusses how students can improve their speaking skills in ESP. ESP remains for English for Specific Purpose, and it is a component of English as a foreign language or second language. Typically entails teaching English to students or people who have already worked, with emphasis on the vocabulary and skills they require. Role play is a motion consultation program that includes elements of fun as well as a system and purpose. The ability to foster optimism and a sense of togetherness through active learning is one of the benefits of using the role-play method. Most students struggle with speaking when learning a language, particularly English. Problem speaking is typically caused by difficulties involved in expressing things verbally, a restricted vocabulary, restricted grammar skills that make it difficult to communicate with the right rules, and a limited power to pronounce words (pronunciation), making it difficult to the pronunciation of words that are communicated properly right.


English for a specific purpose, Roleplay, Speaking Skill


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