Kristina Ghultom, Jaya Dwi Putra


Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimen semu. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMPN 10, dengan teknik cluster random sampling diperoleh kelas VII 10 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VII 9 sebagai kelas kontrol. Masing-masing kelas terdiri dari 42 siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) pengaruh penerapan Model Mastery Learning terhadap hasil belajar Matematika, 2) pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran konvensional terhadap hasil belajar Matematika, 3) perbedaan pembelajaran Model Mastery Learning dengan pembelajaran konvensional terhadap hasil belajar matematika. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu tes kemampuan awal (pretest) dan tes akhir (posttest) yang sudah diuji tingkat validitas dan relibilitasnya. Metode pengujian hipotesis yang pertama dan kedua digunakan one sample t test terhadap kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Untuk pengujian hipotesis yang ketiga menggunakan t-test separated varians terhadap rata-rata posttest. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan 1) terdapat pengaruh penerapan Model Mastery Learning terhadap hasil belajar Matematika, 2) terdapat pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran konvensional terhadap hasil belajar Matematika, 3) terdapat perbedaan pembelajaran Model Mastery Learning dengan pembelajaran konvensional terhadap hasil belajar matematika.
Kata kunci: Eksperimen semu, Mastery Learning, pembelajaran Konvensional, Hasil belajar

This study was a quasi-experiment research. The study population was all students of class VII SMPN 10, with a random cluster sampling technique derived class VII 10 as the experimental group and class VII 9 as a control group. Each class consists of 42 students. This study aims to determine 1) the effect of the application of Model Mastery Learning the learning outcomes of Mathematics, 2) effects of the application of conventional learning to the learning outcomes of Mathematics, 3) learning differences Mastery Learning Model with conventional learning the mathematics learning outcomes. The research instrument used is the initial capability test (pretest) and final test (posttest) already tested the validity and relibilitasnya. method of testing the hypothesis that the first and second use one sample t against an experimental class and control class. For the third hypothesis testing using t-test separated variance on average posttest. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded 1) there is significant effect of Mastery Learning Model through the learning outcomes of Mathematics, 2) there is significant effect of conventional learning to the learning outcomes of Mathematics, 3) there is difference effect of Mastery Learning Model and conventional learning through mathematics learning outcomes. Keywords: Experiment apparent, Mastery Learning, Conventional learning, learning outcomes


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