Hengki Yandri, Mudjiran Mudjiran, Herman Nirwana, Yeni Karneli


Bullying behavior is a scourge that has not been completed at this time; bullying behavior is almost experienced by children considered weak by the perpetrators, which occurs in all countries in the world, including Indonesia. Bullying behavior has spread in various organizations, such as in schools, communities, and social institutions such as orphanages. This condition needs to be reviewed from various aspects to get a comprehensive picture of bullying, so this paper aims to examine bullying behavior from the proximity of Psychoanalytic Therapy. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with a literature study approach, taking various sources that support the development of this article. The results of the analysis of bullying behavior using the Psychoanalytic Therapy approach show that bullying behavior occurs due to impaired functioning of the personality structure of orphanage children, inhibition of personality development of orphanage children since the first five years, a weak function of self-defense mechanisms for victims of bullying and the occurrence of reality anxiety and neurotic anxiety in victims of bullying and moral anxiety conditions in bullying perpetrators

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33373/kop.v9i2.4669


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