Analysis Of The Effect Of Primary Pully Inclination Angle On The Torque Of The 115 CC Mio Sporty Motorcycle Engine

Muhammad Lyan Syaputra


This test was conducted to determine the comparison of torque on a 115 cc motorcycle, Standard with different pully degree variations, 14 °, 13.5 °, 13 °, 12 °. With the maximum speed in each different pully test, at the 14 ° degree pully the resulting torque is averaged 6.35 with Rpm 6,637 (The trotle opening is maximum), In the 2nd test using Pully 13.5 ° testing was carried out with Rpm at 5. 900 - 5,980 (Maximum trotle gas opening) produced a torque of 6.47 which is greater than the test using the previous 14 ° pully, but the maximum Rpm produced by the pully with a degree of 13.5 ° mala is slower than testing using a 14 ° pully. From this test, we can see the difference. That using Pully 13.5° the torque is greater but the engine rotation is slower. The 3rd test using a 13 ° pully with a maximum Rpm at 6,500 - 6,700 (maximum trotle opening) produces a torque of 6.29, from this test it can be seen the difference in torque and Rpm produced by a 13.5 ° degree pully with a 13 ° degree pully, where the Rpm is 720 Rpm faster with a difference in torque at a lower rate of 0.18 Nm isbanding diangaka difference with a 13.5 ° degree pully. The 4th test using a 12° pully with a maximum Rpm at 7,140 - 7,190 Rpm (Maximum Gas Trotle Opening) produced a torque of 6.02. From this test, it can be seen the difference with the test using a 13° pully, where the Rpm produced is higher but the torque is smaller, the torque difference is 0.27.


Analisa, Torsi, Pully, primary, dan motor

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