Jalan Ahmad Yani merupakan salah satu jalan nasional arteri yang menjadi akses utama untuk menuju pusat kota dan juga berbagai wilayah lain di Kota Batam. Melihat adanya peristiwa kecelakaan yang terjadi di jalan Ahmad Yani Kota Batam yang telah mengakibatkan kerugian materil dan non materil seperti korban jiwa dan cidera, maka perlu adanya kajian tentang kecelakaan tersebut. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik kecelakaan lalu lintas di jl. Ahmad Yani kota Batam, mengetahui titik rawan kecelakaan (Black Spot) dan mengetahui bagaimana mengantisipasi terjadinya kecelakaan di lokasi titik rawan kecelakaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui berdasarkan lokasi kejadian, angka tertinggi terdapat pada segmen 7 dengan jumlah kejadian sebanyak 15 (kejadian). Berdasarkan hari kejadian angka tertinggi terdapat pada hari Jumat dengan total 16 (kejadian). Berdasarkan waktu kejadian angka tertinggi terjadi pada pukul 12.01 – 18.01 WIB dengan total 20 (kejadian). Berdasarkan kelas korban angka tertinggi Luka Ringan (LR) dengan total 39 (korban). Berdasarkan jenis kendaraan angka tertinggi Sepeda Motor dengan total 26. Berdasarkan jenis kelamin angka tertinggi laki-laki dengan total 50 (korban). Berdasarkan usia angka tertinggi 32 tahun dengan total 30 (korban). Adapun titik rawan kecelakaan (Black Spot) berdasarkan metode Angka Ekivalen Kecelakaan (AEK) terdapat pada segmen 7 dengan total nilai Angka Ekivalen Kecelakaan (AEK) sebesar 114. Rekomendasi antisipasi kecelakaan lalu lintas adalah dengan menambah beberapa fasilitas rambu seperti petunjuk berbalik arah (u turn), rambu perintah, rambu peringatan di persimpangan pada beberapa titik di jl. Ahmad Yani Kota Batam, serta perlu adanya penertiban pedagang kaki lima yang berjualan di bahu jalan.
Kata Kunci : Karakteristik Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas, Antisipasi Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas
Ahmad Yani Road is one of the national arterial roads which is the main access to the city center and also various other areas in Batam City. Seeing the accident that occurred on Ahmad Yani Road, Batam City which has resulted in material and non-material losses such as fatalities and injuries, it is necessary to conduct a study of this accident. Based on these problems, this research is to determine the characteristics of traffic accidents on Ahmad Yani Road, Batam city, knows accident-prone points (Black Spots) and knows how to anticipate accidents at accident-prone point locations. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that based on the location of the incident, the highest number was in segment 7 with a total of 15 incidents (incidents). Based on the day of the incident, the highest number was on Friday with a total of 16 (incidents). Based on the time of incident, the highest number occurred at 12.01 – 18.01 WIB with a total of 20 (incidents). Based on victim class, the highest number was Light Injury (LR) with a total of 39 (victims). Based on vehicle type, the highest number was motorbikes with a total of 26. Based on gender, the highest number was men with a total of 50 (victims). Based on age, the highest figure is 32 years with a total of 30 (victims). The accident-prone points (Black Spot) based on the Accident Equivalent Number (AEK) method are in segment 7 with a total Accident Equivalent Number (AEK) value of 114. The recommendation to anticipate traffic accidents is to add several sign facilities such as u turn instructions. ), command signs, warning signs at intersections at several points on Ahmad Yani Road, Batam City, and there is a need to control street vendors who sell on the side of the road.
Keywords: Characteristics of Traffic Accidents, Anticipation of Traffic Accidents
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33373/sigmateknika.v7i1.6217
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