Coral Reef Conditions in the Conservation Area (CA) of Bintan-Tambelan, Riau Islands

Rika Kurniawan, Risandi Dwirama Putra, Jumsurizal Jumsurizal, Aulia Rahman


Coral reefs in Bintan not only serve as crucial habitats for a variety of marine species but also support the economic sustainability of coastal communities. However, these ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change, pollution, and human activities, jeopardizing their continued existence. This study aims to assess the condition of coral reefs within the Bintan Tambelan Conservation Area. The research was conducted in May 2024 at 24 observation stations using the Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) method to collect data on live coral cover percentage. Analysis using the Coral Point Count with Excel Extension (CPCe) application revealed that the percentage of hard coral cover in this area varies from poor to excellent conditions, with values ranging from 7.07% to 77.93%. The average live coral cover across all stations is 52.06%, classified as "Good." Fourteen observation stations were categorized as having "Good" to "Very Good" coral conditions, while three stations exhibited alarming conditions with very low percentages of live coral. This study underscores the importance of protecting the coral reef ecosystems within the Bintan Tambelan Conservation Area to maintain ecological balance and the sustainability of marine resources, as well as to support conservation and sustainable management efforts in the region.


Bintan, Conservation, Tambelan, Live coral cover, Ecological balance

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