Author Guidelines
The following section of this document will provide you with insights on how you can utilize this document as a template to create a well-designed paper. The goal is to ensure that your document appears "camera ready" so that we do not need to make any modifications. For your convenience, the key elements are summarized as follows.
1. The PROFISIENSI Journal publishes research articles related to disciplines such as Production Systems, Manufacturing Processes, Production Planning and Control, Ergonomics, Work Study, Product Design and Development, Facility Layout, Lean Manufacturing, Operations Management, Project Management, Supply Chain and Logistics Systems, Productivity, Quality Control, and Multicriteria Decision Making. Each submitted manuscript must undergo an online process via the OJS system and be reviewed by peer reviewers (Blind Peer Review).
2. The manuscript must be original and not previously published or under consideration for publication in any other journal. Articles previously presented at a forum, such as a conference, should mention the name of the conference.
3. Manuscripts must be written correctly in either Indonesian or English language.
4. The manuscript should be a minimum of 8 pages and a maximum of 15 pages, with 1.15 line spacing, on A4-sized paper, using Times New Roman font size 11 in Microsoft Word. Margins should be set to approximately 2.5cm, except for the top margin, which should be 4cm. The document should be justified left and right. Each paragraph should begin with a left tab or first-line indentation.
5. The article is written according to the following guidelines and systematics:
- Title: The title should be concise, with a maximum of 12 words, containing keywords, and reflecting the substance of the issues discussed in the body of the article. The title of the paper should be in CAPITAL LETTERS, bold, centered, and in 14-point font.
- Author names: Written below the title, without titles. Authors can be individuals or teams, and all authors should be listed. Author names should be in 12-point font, bold, and centered. Please refrain from using honorific titles for author names, such as PhD, Dr., etc.
- Institution or affiliation: Include the author's institution/affiliation and email address.
- Abstract: Written in both Indonesian and English, approximately 150-200 words in a single paragraph containing (1) objectives, (2) methods, and (3) research results.
- Keywords: Include words or terms that reflect the essence of the concepts within the scope of the issue. These may consist of several words/terms. Keywords are written below the abstract with a one-line space, italicized, consisting of 4 keywords, and arranged alphabetically.
- Body: Consists of (1) Introduction, which includes the research problem, current scientific context relevant to the focus of the issue, and a literature review (state of the art) forming the basis of the research; (2) Methods, which detail the approach/methods used; (3) Results and Discussion, which present the research findings and discuss these results supported by relevant theories and/or other research findings; (4) Conclusion, which provides a summary of the research conclusions and recommendations in line with the issues discussed.
- References: Should primarily consist of primary sources (scientific journals/magazines or research reports) and be current/recent. The reference list should only include sources cited within the body of the article, and all names cited in the body must appear in the reference list. References should be managed using tools like Mendeley or similar, following the APA style.
The reference list should be formatted according to the following example.
Basic format for books:
Ruhani, Siti. Dian Permana., dan Bambang Listyo. (2004). Teknik Merawat Tanaman. Flora Indonesia
Dwee, D., Dion, H. B., & Brown, I. S. (2012). Information behavior concept: A basic introduction. University of Life Press.
Basic format for articles:
Stevens, Izzie., Cohen, J., Ferrence, R., & Rehm, J. (2008). Surgery for Trauma Patients. Surgeon Profession Journal, 3(1), 48-55
If the journal is accessed online from a university website:
Stevens, Izzie. (2008). Surgery for Trauma Patients. Surgeon Profession Journal, 3(1), 48-55.
Basic format for Ebook:
Mirza, F. (1997). Hubungan Remaja dan Penyimpangan Sosial (Edisi 2). Asosiasi Psikologi Jakarta.
Basic format for thesis:
Marianne, Angela. (2013). Struktur Modal dan Profitabilitas pada Perusahaan Garmen Busana. (Skripsi Sarjana, Universitas Persada)
Marianne, Angela. (2013). Struktur Modal dan Profitabilitas pada Perusahaan Garmen Busana. (Skripsi Sarjana, Universitas Persada).