The tempeh slicing machine is a tool to assist the production of tempeh chips used by chips SMEs. For now, there are still many MSME chips that slice tempeh manually using a knife or similar cutting tool. It is necessary to design a semi-automatic tempeh slicing machine so that it can replace manual work. The expected results are to make the tempeh slicing time faster, the tempeh slicing process safer, and to get tempeh slices that are consistent in thickness and according to the target. The specifications of the tempeh slicing machine design are as follows: length 545 mm, width 500 mm, height 700 mm can be adjusted (adjustable), motor power 0.25 HP with rotation speed of 1,410 rpm, shaft diameter 30 mm, pulley driver diameter 50.8 mm, the diameter of the driven pulley is 254 mm, the rotation speed of the slicing disk is 282 rpm. The performance of the machine is not in accordance with the design, where when used for slicing tempeh, the results are 98% of the slices are not feasible and only 2% of the slices are feasible. But when used for slicing cassava, potatoes and carrots, the resulting slices were 98% proper slices and 2% improper slices. The machine designed for slicing tempeh did not work for slicing tempeh but it did for slicing cassava, potatoes and carrots.
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